Scientology & Dianetics
Part of Tax-exempt Child Abuse and Neglect
by Mike Gormez.
"There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way it treats its children."
-- Nelson Mandela
Scientology Executive Directive, 06.11.1989,*
-A thorough research revealed that there is no LRH [L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology] reference covering Sea Org members [scientologists who signed one billion year contracts] taking 1 hour family time per day. Also to have such break in schedules in the middle of production has been found detrimental to production and to violate LRH reference on keeping the form of the org. -- from a posting of Tom Voltz
Scientologists threaten children actors
The parents of one of the kids in the cast were called by members of the entertainment industry that were Scientologists," says Timbers. "They were told that if they were to continue with the show that it might be bad for their future career."
San Francisco Unified School District
hat is truly alarming is that Scientology, using its "Narconon Drug Prevention & Education program" label, was able to teach young children some of its doctrine about drugs and detoxification. The program is called by experts "irresponsible" and "pseudoscience," charging that students are being introduced to Scientology beliefs and methods without their knowledge.
Meagan Porpora at Scientology's Mace-Kingsley Ranch
The way the ranch handled discipline was very troubling. They had a fenced-in area about the size of a football field for the horses to run around, and if you did something wrong they would put you on the fence. What this meant was that you had to sit all day in front of the fence, and scrub the rust off with a toothbrush!! This could last for days and the only food you would get would be a bowl of white rice dry.
(for information on sexual abuse at Mace-Kingsley, look here
Student leaves school for sect
Het Parool 7 February 2004In Dutch
A commotion has broken out among students at the Vossius gymnasium in [Amsterdam] South because a fifth-grade student - who recently turned seventeen and for whom education is still partially compulsory - has decided to leave school in order to go fulltime into the Scientology sect. (
Son left in vehicle, Scientologist mother charged
SP Times 15 July 2003
A schoolteacher was arrested Sunday evening and accused of leaving her 3-year-old son in her locked vehicle for up to a half-hour while she grocery-shopped. The child was not hurt. Scientologist Kim Pesch, 38, a teacher at Scientology-affiliated Clearwater Academy, was arrested on charges of child abuse and resisting arrest without violence.
A schoolteacher was arrested Sunday evening and accused of leaving her 3-year-old son in her locked vehicle for up to a half-hour while she grocery-shopped. The child was not hurt. Scientologist Kim Pesch, 38, a teacher at Scientology-affiliated Clearwater Academy, was arrested on charges of child abuse and resisting arrest without violence.
The story of Vivien Krogmann-Lutz
Precedent setting lawsuit. Girl of 13 was sent to Scientology's UK HQ and had to work as hard as an adult plus got no formal education. Her health suffered badly. She sued her scientologist parents for that and on the advice from the judge the parents settled with Vivien getting 35,000 euro.
Scientology is child abuse
I don't know if anyone can comprehend the remorse I feel for subjecting my children to this alienating, warped, repressive environment. I pray our story serves as a warning: SCIENTOLOGY IS DANGEROUS TO THE HEALTH AND SANITY OF YOUR CHILDREN!!
Scientology's children
SP Times, 10-11 November 1991 (en Français)
These are glimpses of Scientology's children. The stories in this two-day series will give you more glimpses. What they will not give you is the definitive story of Scientology's children because for the most part they exist behind a shroud.
These are glimpses of Scientology's children. The stories in this two-day series will give you more glimpses. What they will not give you is the definitive story of Scientology's children because for the most part they exist behind a shroud.
Witnesses describe child lockups of little children
Hana Eltringham: "He put this 4½ year old little boy - Derek Greene - into the chain locker for two days and two nights. It's a closed metal container, it's wet, it's full of water and seaweed, it smells bad. But Derek was sitting up, on the chain, in this place, on his own, in the dark, for two days and two nights... That is sheer, total brutality. That is child abuse.
Sick Scientology children and their (mis)treatment
A witness testified: And I was called in to help to audit this little boy because I had a good reputation as an auditor. So, I went there and I found this little boy. He had a hundred and five fever. He was unable to move his head and his neck. . . And I went there with my E-Meter and I had this little boy pick up the cans, he was too weak to hold the cans. So, I-- just didn't do it. I said, "This child is too sick to receive auditing. I think he should go to a doctor." The Medical Officer said, "Well" -- he had a medical book in which he looked up certain things. And he said, "I don't feel that he's in any danger. We'll see how he is tomorrow."
Scientology sees children as valuable personnel assets and has a history of endangering them.
Scientology persecution of non-scientologist kids
Scientology isn't only known for its devilish neglect and abuse of cult children, the organization will also harass & threaten children of people whom are not members but who are perceived as enemies. All tax-exempt of course.
Scientology Founder's Family Life Far From What He Preached
L. Ron Hubbard was a bigamist, twice divorced, accused by one of his estranged wives of torture.
Hubbard Communications Office Bulletin of 20 December 1958, "PROCESSING A NEW MOTHER" by L. Ron Hubbard:
-Then the next important thing for a baby is to know he or she is winning. Don't expect him or her to do more than a baby can do. Grant beingness to a baby. ""You make that body lie in that cradle" is wonderful on babies up to six months.
Hubbard kidnaps his baby daughter
He kidnapped his baby daughter Alexis Valerie - whom he was later to disown as "illegitimate" - to use as a bargaining chip against his wife. A key figure in the kidnapping of Alexis, and later Sara Hubbard, was Frank Dessler .
Newspaper articles about this case are on the site of www.rickross.com
No grandparents for Scientology kids
Grandparents should not be permitted into the home of their grand-children until they have learned to behave themselves dianetically.
Hubbard leaves his baby Alexis unattended in car
Los Angeles Examiner, February 26, 1951: Last December 18th Hubbard was fined $50 by Municipal Judge Kenneth Holaday for leaving the baby unattended in his automobile while he delivered a lecture. A 10-day jail term was suspended. Los Angeles Times, April 11, 1951: Hubbard ... was arrested last November, assessed a $50 fine and given six months probation for leaving his child Alexis unattended in a parked car.
Children put on the dangerous "Purification Rundown"
I am now 7 years old I started getting auditing when I was 4 1/2 years old. I did my purification program at almost 6 years old and this was my best action. The Scientology Purification Program helped me to get the toxins, chemicals out of my body so I felt much better as my body. Then I did the communication drills.
The same "treatment" is used in Scientology's Narconon.
See this for Narconon Information . The Board of Mental Health, State of Oklahoma on 13 December 1991, denied certification: "The Board concludes that the program offered by Narconon-Chilocco is not medically safe."
Scientology reaches into schools through Narconon
An organization with ties to the Church of Scientology is recruiting New England schoolchildren for what critics say is an unproven - and possibly dangerous - anti-drug program.
Other Boston Herald articles on Scientolgy and schools" . Essay by Chris Owen: Narconon - Drug reformers or Scientology front? Scientific And Medical Accuracy Of Narconon Program Questioned - Newkirk Herald Journal 17 August 1989
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Boston Literacy Scam
hy has the City of Boston relinquish the seperation between "Church" and State and is mayor Tom Menino really that clueless?
Scientology-linked project gets city grant
However, an academic researcher claims that ``study technology'' is a disguised effort to proselytize for the Church of Scientology. ``Scientology jargon and religious beliefs . . . are inseparable from Study Tech,'' write David S. Touretzky and Chris Owen in a paper entitled " The Hidden Meaning of Hubbard's Study Tech .''
Scientology-run schools and tutoring groups
This page will also tell you what the Scientology "education" by L. Ron Hubbard entails and why it is not good for your child.
Scientology versus education
The purpose of this website is to help explain the conflicts inherent within Scientology's efforts to forge relationships with education communities. We also want to equip parents, educators, and media with the tools to not only spot these front groups when they creep into town, but to question politicians, school boards, and pricipals who might knowingly or unknowingly support such intellectual fraud.
Dear Amanda
I give up. Fighting for your freedom has degenerated into fighting with you. I can no longer tolerate that, because I love you and I remember who you really are. I will also no longer subject myself to the verbal abuse, the accusations and the name-calling with which you and your mother have chosen to deal with me. Such tactics are demeaning to us all, and they're inappropriate.
Kinder in der Scientology-Organisation
Explains life of a child in Scientology.
Ie. Antworten auf die häufigsten Schülerfragen and Kinder in Scientology und ihre Zukunft
FLAG ORDER 760, 25th May 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard --
The word "children" is not to be used to describe these as it is a generality. If there are children about they are classified as children but this does not include Cadets. Children are people who have not passed checksheets and have no paid posts in the Sea Org.
-- from a posting of Andreas Heldal-Lund
-- from a posting of Andreas Heldal-Lund
Hubbard knocked boy off his feet
I saw him physically violent twice. He slapped a boy who answered him back and slapped him across the face with an open hand, and knocked him off his feet.Scientology children dehumanized by L. Ron Hubbard
The four-year-old boy could no longer cry. He had been nearly 48 hours in the chain locker of the flagship _Apollo_ and his entire body was aching from his efforts to chip off rust. His knees and hands were raw with cuts and bruises. His voice was raspy from crying, and he was desperately afraid.
L. Ron Hubbard and education: a case study
Delphi is not and never has been accredited by the State of California. In fact, by making such a claim, the school was violating state law.
Low Priority for Child Welfare
I had been a teacher and word clearer in Scientology schools, including Delphi, for three years. I loved the children and was very dedicated to my profession. It was personal observation that provided me the first clue that Scientology placed a low priority on the welfare of children.
Opinions on Scientology Study Technology
Hubbard's "Study Tech" is the ultimate way of implanting Scn orthodoxy and conformity into people, based upon his notion that ANY difficulty grasping some idea or doctrine stems solely from "misunderstood words", not errors in the ideas or doctrines. Made mandatory in compulsory attendance schools it would stifle free thinking.
Applied Scholastics: A testimony from inside
Child neglect:
Not every kid there was a scientologist; many were not. You could really tell the difference betweent the scientology kids and the others, though. The Scientology kids were hungry, dirty, scabies, "pathetic", inadequate clothing, etc. HRS ((Health and Rehabilitative Services, an agency looking for neglected children)) had checked into some of the children.
Scientology "education" - An account from inside
An account of Scientology "education" by an ex-memberTutoring was a joke. By that I mean it was non-existent at the Cadet Org and the Apollo Training Academy where my oldest child was kept while I was on post.
Then came the death lessons
Miss Hoad told twenty-five of her pupils to "close your eyes. Concentrate. Now imagine you are dying. Imagine you are dead. Now you have turned to dust and ashes. Now imagine you are putting the ashes back inside yourself." These "death lessons," as they came to be called, were given behind locked doors with a "Do Not Disturb" sign outside, and the children were told "never think about these lessons after they are over," which suggested to many that she was warning the children not to tell their parents about it.
(See Professional Auditor's Bulletin #50 for the reference on "End of Cycle Processing")
FLAG ORDER 1630, 3 December 1968 by L. Ron Hubbard
-- If a child or these children are found in Hold l _or_ any hidden compartment of the ship they are to be locked up. -- from a posting of Andreas Heldal-Lund
-- If a child or these children are found in Hold l _or_ any hidden compartment of the ship they are to be locked up. -- from a posting of Andreas Heldal-Lund
Applied Scientology In Public Schools?
Indeed, despite Scientology's sophistry about the superiority of its teaching techniques because they focus on how to use a dictionary, Hubbard introduces much of his own unique and oblique language into his work. That is a common method of "loading the language" as described in Dr. Robert Lifton's model of mind control.
The Learning Cure
Johanna Lemlech, a professor of education at USC specializing in curriculum and teaching, calls the books "awful." They "violate everything we know about how children learn, and appropriate pedagogy," she says. "In short, these books should be carefully placed in the cylindrical file."
How the child indoctrination begins
So now you realize why the Church of Scientology wants The Basic Study Manual put in on as many children as possible. It is more a r"primer" on Scientology methodology for absorption of Scientology courses and processes.
The Hidden Message in L. Ron Hubbard's "Study Tech"
The real danger of Study Tech is that it was designed for indoctrination, not education. While it may be good at producing obedient Scientologists, it is completely at odds with promoting the ability to think independently. It quite deliberately aims to reduce a student's ability to think critically. Students are taught to distrust their own intelligence and background knowledge, passively and uncritically accepting whatever they are being told.
Dutch: Scientology infiltreert onderwijs
In de Echo enkele weken terug stond een advertentie waarin werd gevraagd om bijlesdocenten. De advertentie was geplaatst door het 'Maatschap voor Effectief Onderwijs' (waarschijnlijk een voortzetting van de 'Stichting voor Effectief Onderwijs'. Hierin wordt o.a. gerept van een korte interne cursus om de bijlesdocent op te leiden.© Tilman Hausherr , used with permission.
Scientology exploiting children and elderly
Church Seeks Influence in Schools
The program is designed to win recognition for Hubbard as an educator and moralist and, at the same time, introduce him to the nation's youth. The pocket-size booklet, entitled "The Way to Happiness," is a compilation of widely agreed upon values that Hubbard put into writing in 1981. But Scientology publications have called the campaign "the largest dissemination project in Scientology history" and "the bridge between broad society and Scientology." The booklet is distributed by the Concerned Businessmen's Association of America...
What Happened at Delphian Academy
I still have nightmares about Delphian Academy, and look to the day when Scientology is exposed for what it truly is...a money-getting scam and a brainwashing outfit. I know that I am not the only one who has been hurt by them.
Suffer ye the little children
The children at the Los Angeles Scientology complex were so badly handled that they turned into a gang of juvenile delinquents and created such bad PR that SO members with children were banned from the area.
When Can I Start My Life?
LMT Literatie Contest 2000
This essay is written by Zoe Woodcraft using the pen name "Darla"Essay by "Darla deToledo" (16)
I had tried several times before to leave the church but my mother and the officials put so much pressure on me and put my father in so much trouble that I gave up each time.The Woodcraft Family Video interviews Lawrence Woodcraft joined Scientology fresh out of college. He and his wife raised two daughters in the cult. The tell how life in the cult really is. The abuse, neglect, slavery of children and indifference to a death. -->
CCO ED [Child Care Organization Executive Directive]
#36, 14 MARCH 1979 by Susan Calhoun for the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY
There is always a short crew of nannies on the weekend, when most liberties occur, and children who have not been picked up when they expect to be become enturbulated [disturbed] and spread this enturbulance around the environment. This upsets nannies who then have to handle these upset, ARC [Affinity, Reality, Communication] Broken children so they don't create problems with their group.
To prevent these instances from occuring when unneccesary, the following rules for Liberty Day are for immediate implementation.
Missing Person Casavius Tabayoyon
A year or so after we left we recieved a letter from casavius stating that because we left the church and no longer were part of it he would nolonger communicate with us.
Scientology and child molesters
Excerpt: A Scientologist by the name of Donald Anthony Strawn, also known as Tony Strawn, was convicted in 1995 to thirty years in prison for sexually molesting two girls, ages 11 and 13. The children were in his custodial care at the time. Scientology recommended (under threat of expulsion) that the mother not report the incident to the proper authorities, because the church could "handle his aberrations."
(Scientologists are not allowed per policy of "bringing civil suit against any Scientology organization or Scientologist". These are Suppressive Acts and persons "that would do such a thing act out of self interest only to the detriment of all others, they cannot be granted the rights and beingness ordinarily accorded rational beings and so place themselves beyond any consideration for their feelings or well being.")
cientology and Family
rom the book "THE NOW RELIGION" by George Malko
I met one family where the total, absolute involvement of the children resulted in such a cataclysmic break, such a destruction of all the bonds which had kept six people together and sustained them as a family that, in desperation, the mother had decided to get into Scientology to try and understand what it was that had, in effect, taken her children from her. Within months - she told me all this in a voice which dropped at times to a nervous, confidential whisper, rising at other times to declare, posit, be strong and confident - within months she had become convinced that she had discovered a philosophy which did work, just as her children claimed, and she was certain it would eventually help her as much as it had helped them. She argued sincerely that she had experienced all of the soul-illuminating insights Scientology promises mankind. When I asked her what her husband thought of what she had done, she grew hesitant, almost confused, and finally confessed she couldn't begin to describe the bitterness he felt.
Teen Worker Exploited by cult
Of course, my bosses determined that my mind was cluttered and was forced to attend class. I didn't exactly like their classes. Slowly but surely, my wages were cut from $6.50 to about $2.00 bucks an hour. It was all a scam to try to convert me to Scientology.
The Odhran Fortune Story
The purpose of these pages is to tell the story of Odhran Fortune and his family. This is a very important story as it describes the first occurance (in the UK) of Scientology using their policies of harassment against a family who have someone inside the cult.
Cadet go ed [Guardian Office Executive Directive]
#4, 5 May 1979 by Stephen LeMarr for the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY --
Then in Feb. the hepatitis scene happened and we were swarmed over by County and State Health Inspectors. The County Inspector (an ally) found out about the existence of the Fountain and said this is not OK and let's quickly work together and handle it. He continually predicted an attack from another agency and was not able to say which one. We found the Annex could be used and was legal with a small amount of renos and started to work. Sure enough, we were raided by 2 Special Agents of the State. But because of our taking full responsibility for our scene and well into having the Annex ready for use, there was nothing they could do to us. I will not go into detail of what they could have done but will indicate that we were suited in 1974 for running illegal child care and this would have been our second offence. First time we got probation and you could imagine what the second offense would have gotten us.
-- from a posting of Andreas Heldal-Lund
-- from a posting of Andreas Heldal-Lund
Letter of Delphi to a Scientologist parent
I have been concentrating largely on the situation existing among Scientologists regarding the education of their children. We have found that education is generally a quite low priority anong Scientologists and that the idea that "study tech equals education" is very common.
Punishment of children
If punishment of a child becomes necessary, don't nag and hit the child and then nag some more. Tell the child the reason for the punishment in simple, direct language, and then apply the punishment in *absolute silence*
A Childhood in Scientology!
Scientology considers and treats children as Thetans in small bodies, therefore there is no place for childhood in the Scientology system. Procedures such as auditing and dubious communication training exercises, such staring at people, is also done by children; in all likelihood it leads to a loss of reality and social problems.
Leaving the Fold
When she was 14, young Astra Woodcraft was recruited to follow her mother's footsteps and join the Sea Organization. From age 14 to 19, she said, she was working from 8 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., laboring for months without a day off, doing administrative work at the church world headquarter building in Hollywood.
I am Astra Woodcraft
Scientology never saved me from a life of promiscuity and petty crime. I would have turned out great without them. All they did was take my childhood.
Four-year-old "bad" boy was taken to an auditor
Father agreed and punished him. Mother agreed and punished him. And the one grandparent who was always around also agreedand punished him.
If you can tell the difference between a lot of little kids you run into, and psychos, I'll give you a medal.-- L. Ron Hubbard in Professional Auditor's Bulletin No. 119
These links were inspired by posting of Tilman Hausherr
Scientology's Rejection of Family
When LRH [L. Ron Hubbard] said in the tape excerpt that "your urges toward family are not thetan urges at all, they're the GE," what he was saying was that anyone who puts any importance on the family is going in a direction toward MEST, not Theta. That is an out-ethics thing to do. It is putting counter-intention on the forward motion of Scientology. It is holding back the entire group.
Scientology "Reverend" Bagley to a father
I am expert at harassment, try me and find out. You are not strong enough. You are not smart enough. You haven't the funds to go through long lengthy court battles. We have. Bigger men than you have done their best to stop us. They failed. So will you because you are a blatant moron in comparison.
Security Check Children
Children's Security Check Ages 6 - 12
What has somebody told you not to tell?
Have you ever decided you did not like some member of your family?Have you ever taken something belonging to somebody else and never given it back?Have you ever pretended to be sick (ill)?
(The "security check" (interrogation) is done while connected to a crude lie detector . Scientology is so nice to confirm the existence of this "Bulletin" on its own web-site.)
Tom Cruise & Nicole Kidman split a question of faith
"Mothers who have raised children in the Church of Scientology and come out have a terrible sense of guilt over what our children went through," Summers told the Post. "They had children doing physical work, sometimes 40 to 60 hours a week. It could be anything - shoveling gravel, laying carpet, but mostly it was clerical work," she said.
Scientology's recipe for baby malnutrition
Sub-index of this page
Contrary to Hubbard's claims, breast milk is quite usefull, as was also reported in The Lanclet that breast milk fights infant diarrhea. On top of that, honey is a potentially fatal substitute for infants under 12 months, due to possible presence of Clostridium botulinum bacteria.
Contrary to Hubbard's claims, breast milk is quite usefull, as was also reported in The Lanclet that breast milk fights infant diarrhea. On top of that, honey is a potentially fatal substitute for infants under 12 months, due to possible presence of Clostridium botulinum bacteria.
Children and teens and Scientology's Rehabilitation Project Force (RPF)
According to Scientology "Any law which applies to the behavior of men and women applies to children" and so it is no surprise that the harsh re-indoctrination RPF program with its forced admissions of alleged past wrong-doings and a maximum of 6 hours of sleep per night, is also applied to children.
HCO [Hubbard Communications Office] BULLETIN OF 20 December 1958, "PROCESSING A NEW MOTHER" by L. Ron Hubbard
- Next, the delivery itself should carry as little anaesthetic as possible, be as calm and no-talk as possible and the baby should not be bathed or chilled but should be wrapped somewhat tightly in a warm blanket, very soft, and then left alone for a day or so.
British child custody and visitation cases
Children also become damaged pawns in family conflicts as the result of Scientology policy which teaches people how to manipulate others. One sees the untoward effects of this policy within the family home when the group works to alienate a child from a spouse who has incurred the 'church's' disapproval and who must be shunned by any means available.
De strijd van een vader tegen Scientology
"Het is onmogelijk om een gezamelijk familieleven te hebben als één van de familieleden in Scientology is gezogen. Dan heb je in je midden altijd een blinde kameraad, die je uit elkaar haalt, kapotmaakt en manipuleert", zegt Ole Andersen.
A mother's betrayal by the new Cult Awareness Network
A mother is betrayed by ScientologistsCBS "60 Minutes" segment transcript of 28 December 1997 (en Français)The Seattle Times Dec. 1, 1996
Last week its name, logo, post office box and telephone number [of CAN] were sold to the highest bidder: a Los Angeles lawyer named Steven Hayes, who is a Scientologist.
Child neglect and abuse
Child neglect and abuse issues: When I was training as AG Detroit at the USGO in 1974, I visited the Sea Org housing where the small children were cared for by nannies. These children lived in filthy, subnormal conditions. Many of them had multiple open sores and skin conditions.
Baby hurt in fall
Daily Telegraph (Sydney), 14 Feb 2000
A BABY was in a critical condition at Sydney Children's Hospital in Randwick last night after falling two floors from a staircase.
Scientologist babies crawling on urine-soaked carpets
The cult official who inspected these rooms noted: 'Smell of wet beds and bleach . . . smell of wet beds needs to be handled.' -- I had left L.A. with reservations, after such experiences as observing unattended babies crawling on urine-soaked carpets (at a place called the Cadet Org) -- This child, she stated: was very, very ill and she was laying in a urine soaked crib and she was -- she just had her diaper on.... She had lots of like little fruit flies and gnats on her body
ED NW _26_ PAC, 29 JUNE 1979 by Susan Jones for the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY
- Currently the execs of the CCO [Child Care Organization] are working to set it up to take care of our children but the current set up is inadequate for our existing Sea Org children and far behind the growth of the baby population in PAC [Pacific Area Command]. It is important that CCO be given the chance to become set up to ensure our children are cared for optimumly and trained for their future.
-- from a posting of Andreas Heldal-Lund
- Currently the execs of the CCO [Child Care Organization] are working to set it up to take care of our children but the current set up is inadequate for our existing Sea Org children and far behind the growth of the baby population in PAC [Pacific Area Command]. It is important that CCO be given the chance to become set up to ensure our children are cared for optimumly and trained for their future.
-- from a posting of Andreas Heldal-Lund
Scientology disconnect policy destroying families
This is one of the worst policies of scientology. To "disconnect" means cutting off all communication. Between parents and children, or husband and wife. Regardless what bond one had previously. Scientology does this under a pretext of helping them. In fact it is more a means to keep members ignorant of outside interference/information, which could result in revenue loss for the organization when members would leave because of gaining new perspectives with information previously withheld to them.
11 year old girl tells her story
We would have separate sleeping quarters from our parents. We would only see our parents at family hour. Family hour is an hour set aside for the parents to be with their children. Luckily, we got out of Scientology just in time. The day we put the for sale sign up in our front yard was the day we got out of it.
13 year old girl is recruited
Children were not allowed to live with their parents. Scientology permitted one visit every other week, and only for 45 minutes during mealtime. My parents were placed at American Saint Hill Organization and left Scientology in September 1973, when I was aboard the ship, the Apollo.
I am aware that many similar operations were conducted against Tonja Burden while I was working for the G.O. [Guardian Office] I am aware that a G.O. agent, Bill Broderick was placed in a position to spy on Tonja Burden and that the G.O. acquired an apartment in Tonja Burden's apartment building to spy on her and harass her.
Tanya Neujahr in a tv-documentary about children in Scientology.
17 year old Sea Org Girl Escapes
17-year-old member of the Sea Org escapes from Saint HillTanya Neujahr's story and her scheduleSueddeutsche Zeitung article of 21.04.1997 (auf Deutsch)
What awaited Tanya was eight to ten hours work per day, followed by five hours study of the Hubbardist writings. She seldom got to bed before midnight.
"Scientology is a system of organized child exploitation"
The true face of the SO teachings is shown, according to Beckstein, in the story of Tanya, the young ex-member. She had to perform forced labor with the Scientology elite unit, the Sea Org, along with other young people and also children. With total disregard for their human rights, children and youth were systematically ill-used, and their work was exploited by the system.
Theodora Apostolopoulou told to "handle"
Dora has a PTS situation with her parents. This is now classified as a Type C situation due to the fact the parents are connected to SP (Alev) and have attacked the C of S in the media. This situation needs to be immediately addressed.
Hubbard's personal slaves
SP Times of 24.06.1990"Commodore's messengers:
" The youngsters, whose parents belonged to Hubbard's Church of Scientology, would lay out his clothes, run his shower and help him dress. He taught them how to sprinkle powder in his socks and gently slip them on so as not to pull the hairs on his legs. They made sure the temperature in his room never varied from 72 degrees. They boiled water at night to keep the humidity just right. They would hand him a cigarette and follow in his footsteps with an ashtray.
Children Baited by Scientology
Zuricher Tages-Anzeiger of 9.5.1998 (auf Deutsch)The event is taking place in the "Ziel" School, a sub-organization of Scientology. "A sick joke," she comments upon her discovery, "now the Scientologists are after our children."
Where are the 1.5 million South African children?
One and a half million South African children have been taught to read using Scientology's Study Technology developed by L. Ron Hubbard, the cult claims. However, South Africa seems to be unaware of this: I am afraid their claim of teaching 1.5 million children in South Africa to read is just another fabrication. -- South African Embassy, Canberra.
Austrian teachers must reject Hubbard
Families Minister Martin Bartenstein (OeVP) wants to prevent the enlistment of members of the Scientology sect in sensitive areas of the civil service.
Lara Wessel is saved
I've just spent several days in New Orleans with a wonderful family, the Wessels. Their 27-year-old daughter Lara was recruited into scientology about a year ago, and her family watched with alarm as their loving, vivacious daughter's life was gradually enveloped by scientology. She had been an aspiring, very talented actress, but once she got into scientology she dropped her acting career entirely.
Tutor Trap: How Scientology recruits the next generation
We document the introductory speech in Cologne with a hidden camera. The director of the German "Applied Scholastics" center tells us, "Basically we are this office in Germany and we establish various study groups all around the country to become better known. And the bad thing at the moment is that we really are not able to become known, because the press immediately arrives and talks Scientology and brainwashing. And people close up. They don't want to hear anything about it or have anything to do with it. It's rather criminal, what's happening out there."
AO [Aides Order] 203-71 - 28 Aug 1981 by Larry Price SO EVALUATOR Approved by WATCHDOG COMMITTEE for the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY of CALIFORNIA
Quite a number of children are behind their grade level on studies in the public school system (which is absurd since we have study tech and wogs don't). . .
A plan is to rapidly be worked out by Estates NW Ops IMO [Int Management Org] on getting the PAC children back in public school since we clearly do not have the resources at this time to run a proper school ourselves (though this is something that should be phased into in the future per Child Care Strat Planning). This plan will need to include getting in the Founder advices on tutoring of the children after school to pick up MUs [Missunderstood words]and get them up to grade, etc.
Operator of the Scientology Cadet School vs.Times Publishing Company
On September 20, 1991, seven deputies of the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office Youth Services Education Division were invited to the Scientology Cadet School to give a puppet show. Upon arrival they noted conditions indicating that the elementary school children were being neglected or abused.
Coerced abortion and childabuse in Scientology
In one of his tapes, he [L.Ron Hubbard] mentions just letting a baby or kid “cry it out” when upset. Unfortunately, I saw a lot of this crying it out when the kids were dropped off at the facility or when they just needed someone to give them a hug. There was no sympathy given, as LRH described sympathy as “low toned. There just were never enough grown-ups to go around to give these kids love, affection and the true nurturing that a child deserves and has a right to have.
Verbissener Kampf um 16 Scientologen-Kinder
Die Schulbehörde liegt im Clinch mit Hamburger Eltern von 16 Kindern, die im süddänischen Bjerndrup in einem Internat der Scientology-Sekte leben. "Nach dem Schulgesetz müssen die Kinder ihre Schulpflicht hier erfüllen", betont Willi Rickert, Rechtsexperte der Behörde.
Sieg gegen die Sekte
Hamburger Morgenpost vom 13.12.96Eins zu Null im Kampf der Hamburger Schulbehörde gegen das Scientology-Internat im süddänischen Bjerndrup. Dort leben 16 Kinder aus Hamburg im Alter zwischen neun und 15 Jahren. Und daß, obwohl sie ihre Schulpflicht nach Auffassung der Behörde an der Elbe erfüllen müßten.
Blüm prangert Scientology an
Neue Nahrung bekam die Veranstaltung durch die Schließung einer Kinderkrippe, die Scientology ohne Genehmigung in der Brennerstraße unterhalten hat. In der Krippe sollen, so die Hamburger Sektenbeauftragte Ursula Caberta in einem Interview, verheerende hygienische Verhältnisse geherrscht haben - von verdreckten Kinderbettchen bis zu Katzendreck auf dem Teppich.
Already too many bodies on this planet
Posting to ARS of 25 Apr 1999While there, my son almost lost his sight when a "nanny" left a pail of cleaning solution unsecure and it dumped over on his face.
The Tom Leykis Show
Realadio part 6 features a grandmother's anguished call about the treatment of children in the Sea Org.
a) So heißt es in der " FLAG-Abteilungsdirektive" vom 13 . März 1991 bei der Beschreibung der "Unterabteilung 1 - Abteilung für Weiterleitung und Personal": "Es wurde eine Org gefunden, die eine große Anzahl an Mitarbeitern hatte, aber zur selben Zeit ständig unterhalb des alles entscheidenden Punktes kämpfte, . . . Die Org hat nicht Leute von den richtliniengemäßen Fundgruben eingestellt. Als ein Ergebnis davon war die Org mit Jugendlichen, die die Schule schwänzten, Kunden der nächstgele genen Armenküchen, Landstreichern und anderen widerwärtigen Burschen bemannt. . . . "
Ruling of the Federal Labour Court,
March 22th, 1995: BAG 5 AZB 21/94
Protest against Scientology Schools in Denmark
Newspaper clippings about the Scientology-based schools in Nordschleswig and the closure of the Copenhagen Lillekilden Scientology-linked pre-school.
Sweden: No Scn school in Gothenburg
Last Thursday, the National School Board turned their application down, due to board members being heavily in debt, and the uncertainties regarding financing of the school.
Definitiv der falsche Ort für Kinder
Bundesgericht hält Schliessung des Scientologen-Hortes in Urdorfer Industriegebiet für Rechtens. Es ist nicht erlaubt, in einem Industriegebiet einen Hort zu führen, wenn er nicht einem Betrieb zugeordnet werden kann. Dies ist der Hauptgrund, dass die Sekte Scientology in Urdorf einen Kinderhort dichtmachen musste - zu Recht, wie das Bundesgericht findet.
Scientology reaching into Israeli school system
Two months ago, parents of third graders at a Tel Aviv public school contacted Lev L'Achim when they discovered that a workbook written by the founder of scientology was being used in an after-school enrichment program. Parents who confronted local education officials were told not to worry. The book may have been written by a scientology adherent, the officials said, but the subject matter is "unrelated." After failing to persuade the school to drop the text, Lev L'Achim hired lawyer Tomer Moskowitz to file suit in the Israeli Supreme Court, contending the workbook violates Israeli laws against forced conversion of children.
Visit the IRS' chosen people site for a mindboggling explanation why scientologists are allowed a religious exemption that Jewish parents aren't.
La scientologie cible les écoles françaises
Selon le ministère, de nombreux responsables d'établissements scolaires, ainsi que des cadres situés à tous les niveaux de la hiérarchie, ont reçu la semaine dernière une brochure proposant 'une méthode pédagogique universelle' contre l'illettrisme. Plus de 200.000 envois auraient ainsi été effectués.
Scientology wants (Canadian) city's kids
Patrick Kakembo, an assistant director of African-Canadian studies with the Nova Scotia department of education says it was only later that he discovered Eduction Alive's connection to Scientology. "They were not straightforward about this from the beginning."
Cupertino School District
Ten percent of the gross that the local ASI program office brings in for courses costing as much as $350 goes to the Church of Scientology for "consultancy fees" because L. Ron Hubbard - found of the church - developed the study methods used in Applied Scholastics Inc (ASI), Patella said. In the NBC report, Harvard psychiatrist Dr. John Clark said the Scientology methods of learning "train the child to be either a willing subject of tyranny or to be a tyrant himself."
PAC BO 317, 4 July 1979 by Stephen LeMarr for the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY - A child may request a hearing on his absent parent who never visits him or her. -- from a posting of Andreas Heldal-Lund
Flag Orders from Pacific Area Command
These are important to have a non-sugercoated view on how things really are for the children in Scientology. Read and shiver.
Ex-scientologists speak
Fight Against Coercive Tactics Network, Inc.For Parents, Family and Friends: How to Get or Keep Loved Ones Out of CultsCults on Campus: Why are these groups so harmful? How to identify, deal with, and help friends involved with such groups.
Cults' Impact on Children , Youth and Families
Child Abuse in Cults, Child Development and Education in Cults, Cults & Family Discord and Domestic Violence.
Los Angeles Times Thursday, September 18, 1997
Hubbard Adherent's School Bid on Hold
Litigating Child Custody with Religious Cults, Scientology Infiltrates the LA school system, The Best Interest of the Child and the Constitutional Rights of Cult Member Parents and Too Good to be True: Resisting Cults.
American Family Foundation, Inc.
AFF resources about psychological manipulation, cult groups, sects, and new religious movements. Special topic; Children: CustodyCultism and the Law: Litigating the Cult-Related Child Custody Case, Litigating the Cult-Related Child Custody Case and the essay Child Custody and Cults
In Memoriam - The Children of Jonestown 20 years ago, November the 18th 1978, more than 900 people died of whom 276 were children and teens. The orld was forewarned but did very little. They started with killing the babies, and while children were crying, cult-leader Jim Jones told them, "Look children, it's just something to put you to rest. Oh, God."After this disaster the worldwould never againbe the same for those who had lost so much.The San Francisco Examiner Launches Days of Darkness : November 1978;
A Three Part Series.-->
Children & Cults
Chapter 17 of the book Recovery From Cults
- Children and Cults
This chapter will try to make the best of this unfortunate situation. We will first examine the psychological dynamics that make cultic groups especially prone toward child abuse and neglect. We will then describe the types of harm that have been observed in cultic and related groups. Lastly,we will offer some thoughts on treatment issues pertaining to children coming out of cultic groups.
Why should we provide information about cults?
The Cult Awareness and Information Centre Australia
A goldfish living in a bowl that is painted black on the outside will never know it lives in a bowl unless someone takes it out and shows it the rest of the world. Mindsets can be like that - locked into a `thinking box', unable to see outside because the web of beliefs is so all-encompassing.
Family in Scientology?
What YOU can do to Help a Family Member or Friend in Scientology
List is based on Combatting Cult Mind Control, by Steven Hassan, compiled and adapted for Scientology by "Wendy"
Resources and Support
Steven Hassan: This site is filled with the culmination of over twenty-five years of research and counseling experience. Unlike other "experts", I was actually a member of a destructive cult for over two years. I have spent more than twenty years helping families and friends liberate their loved ones.
Child deaths within Christian Science
We would like to share with you the stories of some of the children who have died because of religion-based medical neglect. Bear in mind that many others have been disabled or psychologically harmed as a result of this sort of neglect. These particular stories are well-documented and representative of the problem.
Child abuse at the Jehovah's Witnesses
After many years of service, I discovered a problem that would not go away and due to my personal efforts from within I had to make a decision as to whether I could allow it to be hidden by a Watchtower agenda. This problem can be identified as the protection of pedophiles within the Watchtower organization.
Child abuse at the Hare Krishna's (ISKCON)
More than a dozen Hare Krishna temples plan to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy this month in an unusual attempt to protect their assets from a $400 million lawsuit that accuses the group of abusing hundreds of children in the 1970s and '80s, according to a spokesman.
Finally a word to the visitors from the USA. Can anyone tell me when the USA will ratify the Convention on the Rights of the Child? Some 191 countries have ratified the convention. The only government which has failed to do so is the USA.
Please mail your comments to Mike Gormez .